An ongoing relationship spanning decades, blending art, education, and cultural advocacy to inspire global and local communities.
Meleanna Aluli Meyer has a longstanding relationship with the East-West Center, where she has contributed her expertise as an artist, educator, and cultural advocate. From serving as a Visual Arts Committee Member (1989–1991) and earning prestigious awards like the Degree Fellows Award (1991) and Travel Grant (1992), to showcasing Native Hawaiian art in exhibitions such as Pomaila‘i Ke Ala Hou (1993) and Ho‘i Ka Wai (1998), Meyer has played a vital role in representing Hawaiian culture. As an invited speaker for the center’s 50th Anniversary (2010) and through presentations for leadership and development programs (2017, 2024), she continues to inspire and share her vision with global audiences.
APLP Presentation 2024
Asian Leadership Development Program Workshop presentation 2017
Invited Speaker for 50th Anniversary of East-West Center 2010
Ho’i Ka Wai, Native Hawaiian Contemporary Art 1998
Ho’oku e Native Hawaiian Exhibition 1997
Pomaila’i Ke Ala Hou 1993
East-West Center Travel Grant 1992
East-West Center Degree Fellows Award/Masters Participant 1991
East-West Center Visual Arts Committee Member 1989-1991